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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The $3 Pedicure

Okay, anyone who knows me knows I am a Pinterest fanatic. Well, there have been a few posts about the shaving cream and Listerine Pedicure, and I thought, "no way!" Well my husband, who wears many hats, works in the auto industry, and wears steel toed boots 50 hours a week, so I thought, "Let’s try it!"

So we went to Big Lots and bought a can of Barbasol and Orange Listerine. (Everyone was very adamant about it absolutely having to be Listerine, and orange just smells better) So I pulled out the foot tub and mixed: 1 part Listerine to 1 part water. Covered his feet in the shaving cream and wrapped them in Listerine soaked hand towels. We watched an episode of Big Bang Theory ( Huge Fans, btw!) and then... drum roll, please.

Tada!!!! If I were not there I would not even believe myself. His feet were smooth and soft. Anyone whose husband wears steel toes know how calloused their feet get to support the weight of the boots. My baby's feet were no different. I was so stunned I forgot to take pictures - and for that I am sorry.    :(   But, if you have 30 minutes please, please, please do this for yourself, or your hubby!

Try it and let me know how the pedicure turned out for you. Since I was too excited to take pictures, feel free to post your results.


  1. I have tried it before but never with the orange. I will try again and post what happens!

    1. Thanks Christian's Mom! Don't forget to post pictures!!!
